
Social Committee

Thank you for offering yourself for this important Ministry of Service and outreach through a Social Committee. What is undertaken on this Committee is of vital importance to bringing a sense of belonging and helping to "incorporate others" into the Christian Fellowship of St Francis de Sales Parish.

Acts of kindness and in particular serving our brothers and sisters is an important Gospel value. This Ministry expresses that value in our time together after Mass at recreation. Supporting the need to strengthen the bonds which unite us in Christ.

This ministry also helps to raise important funds specifically for the church. It should be an enjoyable experience.

There are so many examples of ordinary people serving our Lord in simple acts of kindness. Simon of Cyrene helped to carry the cross for Jesus; Veronica wiped the sacred face of Jesus; Jesus washed the feet of the Disciples and asked them to do the same.

Jesus asks us to imitate these examples when he says - what you do for the least of the brethren you do to me...

Social Committee Tasks

  • To meet at a bi-monthly meeting to plan events for the year
  • It is reckoned that there should be 6 events per year for parishioners to meet together for fun and fellowship.
  • On hands help will be required to arrange events and to clear up after them.
  • To liaise with other organisations such as CAFOD and Justice & Peace to ensure an integrated programme of fund raising events.