Mass Live

Here we will broadcast services straight from church to your home. If you have any feedback on the mass live experience, please send it to

If you are attending mass in person, please be aware that you may appear on camera if you enter the main part of the church. Should you wish to avoid appearing on the livestream, please sit and stay within the transept which does not appear on any of the cameras.

Apologies, we have some technical difficulties this morning and may not be able to bring you mass online. We are working to correct it as soon as we can.

We'll be back on Sunday at 11:00 am! Check out our most recent service below.

or go directly to the Youtube Video

Expecting a live-stream link? Try refreshing the page.

Please find our Privacy Policy regarding live online streaming of Sunday Mass at this link: Live Streaming Privacy Policy

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The parish is part of the Diocese of Portsmouth. Portsmouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust registered charity 246871.

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