First Holy Communion 2025
We are now starting the preparations for next year's First Holy Communion Programme. The course will start in October 2024 with the usual age for receiving the Sacrament for the first time being eight years of age or above (children in primary Year 3 or above). If you would like your child to be included, please register your interest at the following link:
Clergy Christmas Collection 2023
As is traditional, there is a Christmas collection to provide a gift to the clergy of the parish. If you would like to contribute to this collection, please do this at the following link:
Collection for Ukraine
The local community has done an amazing job collecting donations for the people of Ukraine during their hour of need. But now help is needed to transport these supplies to where they are needed.
At St Francis de Sales we have set up a COLLECTION FOR UKRAINE. Fr Zbigniew is liaising with the Polish Catholic Mission in Southampton, who have already sent vans of medical and food supplies to parishes in Poland who are taking in Ukrainian refugees.
Synodal Process Submission
Many thanks to all who contributed to our parish response to the Synodal process. This is our submission to the diocese on behalf of our parish.
Also attached is a further document containing many useful comments and suggestions more relevant to our community and which we might consider at future PPC meetings.
Synodal Process
Pope Francis has initiated a synodal process or journey, a pilgrimage for the whole people of God, to pray and discern the way the Catholic Church needs to go at this moment in time. On 9-10 October 2021 he opened a two year period during which time the Catholic Church intends to undertake a major consultation with its Faithful and as Pope Francis has indicated this is to include those on the margins of the Church and even our other Christian brethren.
The process is planned to go through three phases:
Clergy Christmas Collection 2021
As is traditional, there is a Christmas collection to provide a gift to the clergy of the parish. If you would like to contribute to this collection, please do this by bank transfer using the following details:
Lloyds Bank
Sort Number: 30 93 04
Account Number: 00882993
PRCDTR Newbury St Francis de Sales
Ref: Christmas Offering
Thank you
Covid-19 New Guidance
Following guidance from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference we have examined and revised our arrangements which will apply from the week end of 16/17th October. The general principles for creating a safe environment in our church remain in place so that you can continue to feel confident and safe when attending Mass.