Posted 8th August 2021
Following guidance from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference we have examined and revised our arrangements which will apply from the week end of 16/17th October. The general principles for creating a safe environment in our church remain in place so that you can continue to feel confident and safe when attending Mass.
- Hand sanitation to continue to be used at entrance and exit to Church and Hall
- Face coverings/masks. It is strongly encouraged from a moral and respectful point of view, to continue wearing face masks during Public Worship. This indeed, is not a legal requirement, and several of our parishioners have exemptions from wearing masks.
- Cleaning to continue as at present
Social Distancing and Church Capacity
- Vigil Mass – to continue as at present with reduced capacity and with social distancing. (Capacity 65)
- Sunday Mass -
i) Transept to continue with reduced capacity and social distancing. (Capacity 16)
ii) Main Aisle and Hall to revert to normal spacing (Capacity 160)
iii) Simple card - ‘Please leave a space’ to be available at entry to be used if space is desired for social distancing.
Acts of Worship
- Congregational singing now permitted but phased in gently
- Registration and signing in to continue with the online booking system adapted to revised capacities.
- No longer needing a one way system
- Stewards to adapt to be welcomers
- Holy Water stoups to remain empty
- Holy Communion to continue to be offered as The Body of Christ by the Priest. It is planned for an Extraordinary Minister to help for the transept.
- Physical Sign of Peace remains suspended
- The offertory collection and offertory procession to be resumed.