Covid-19 New Guidance

Posted 8th August 2021
  1. Background

    Following guidance from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference we have examined and revised our arrangements which will apply from the week end of 16/17th October. The general principles for creating a safe environment in our church remain in place so that you can continue to feel confident and safe when attending Mass.

  2. Mitigation

    • Hand sanitation to continue to be used at entrance and exit to Church and Hall
    • Face coverings/masks. It is strongly encouraged from a moral and respectful point of view, to continue wearing face masks during Public Worship. This indeed, is not a legal requirement, and several of our parishioners have exemptions from wearing masks.
    • Cleaning to continue as at present
  3. Social Distancing and Church Capacity

    • Vigil Mass – to continue as at present with reduced capacity and with social distancing. (Capacity 65)
    • Sunday Mass -
      i) Transept to continue with reduced capacity and social distancing. (Capacity 16)
      ii) Main Aisle and Hall to revert to normal spacing (Capacity 160)
      iii) Simple card - ‘Please leave a space’ to be available at entry to be used if space is desired for social distancing.
  4. Acts of Worship

    • Congregational singing now permitted but phased in gently
    • Registration and signing in to continue with the online booking system adapted to revised capacities.
    • No longer needing a one way system
    • Stewards to adapt to be welcomers
    • Holy Water stoups to remain empty
    • Holy Communion to continue to be offered as The Body of Christ by the Priest. It is planned for an Extraordinary Minister to help for the transept.
    • Physical Sign of Peace remains suspended
    • The offertory collection and offertory procession to be resumed.