Welcome Fr Zbigniew
The parish is pleased to welcome Fr Zbigniew Budyn as our new Parish Priest. As part of his appointment at St Francis de Sales, Fr Zbigniew will also be looking after Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Hungerford. Please note that going forward, Sunday mass times will be:
- 9am at Our Lady of Lourdes and
- 11am at St Francis de Sales.
Please keep Fr Zbigniew Budyn in your prayers, especially in his first few weeks.
Parish Afternoon Tea
Thank you to all those who attended and supported the Parish Fundraiser Afternoon Tea. Very pleased to say that the event and raffle raised over £250 which we also hope to fund-match through the Vodafone scheme. The 1st prize in the raffle went to Marie, Congratulations! and to the other winners, Maureen, Paul, John and Olwyn.
Taking Communion to the Sick
For those of you who take the sacrament to the sick may I remind you to make sure that the Pyx which you use is cleaned after each Communion. You should gently rub your finger around the Pyx and consume any crumbs and when you get home place some water in the Pyx and drink the water. Thank you.